Press releases
- 30.5.2020 – Velebit has a new inhabitant – lynx Pino named in the sign of support for Italy (CRO)
- 28.5.2020 – Release of lynx Boris into nature (SLO)
- 31.3.2020 – Release of lynx Catalin into nature (SLO)
- 13.3.2020 – Release of the lynx Alojzije in Paklenica NP, Croatia (CRO)
- 3.2.2020 – Confirmed first reproduction of translocated lynx Goru (SLO)
- 21.6.2019 – Goru and Doru are searching for their territory (SLO)
- 20.6.2019 – Lynx Goru and Doru are in Slovenia (CRO)
- 21.5.2019 – Preventing illegal killing of lynx (SLO)
- 14.5.2019 – Release of lynx Goru into the nature (SLO)
- 4.5.2019 – Release of the lynx Doru in NP Risnjak, Croatia (CRO)
- 26.4.2019 – First translocated lynx was transported to Slovenia (SLO)
- 4.3.2019 – Lynx translocation to Croatia – press release (CRO)
- 11.6.2018 – Premiere of the documentary „Path of the Lynx“ and celebration of International Lynx Day (SLO)
- 2.3.2018 – World Wildlife Day 2018 – Big cats: predators under threat (CRO)
- 12.7.2017 – Project LIFE Lynx will prevent extinction of Dinaric – SE Alpine lynx population (SLO)
- 12.7.2017 – LIFE Lynx project – press release (CRO)
Promotional material
- Questions and answers about lynx and LIFE Lynx project (EN, pdf) (SLO, pdf) (IT, pdf) (CRO, pdf)
- LIFE Lynx -Project Bulletin – 2019 (SLO, pdf) (EN, pdf) (CRO, pdf) (IT, pdf) (SVK, pdf)
- Project leaflet (EN, pdf) (SLO, pdf) (CRO,pdf) (SVK, pdf)
- Presentation at hunting camp for children in Pivka, 8.9.2019 (SLO)
- Lecture at Artists for lynx conservation art workshop, 30.8.2019, (SLO)
- Project presentation in Sax Club, Zagreb (CRO, video)
- Project presentation for AgroParisTech students, Ljubljana, 15.3.2019 (SLO)
- Project presentation for IFSA students, Ljubljana, 13.3.2019 (SLO)
- Presenting LIFE Lynx at LIFE conference in Zagreb, 12.2.2019 (CRO)
- Presentation of LIFE Lynx project and screening of the film Path of the Lynx in Bled, 30.1.2019 (SLO)
- Lynx in Slovenia: Lecture and screening of the film Path of the Lynx in Koper, 7.1.2019 (SLO)
- Presentation of LIFE Lynx project and screening of the film Path of the Lynx in Ilirska Bistrica,27.11.2018 (SLO)
- Presentation of LIFE Lynx project and screening of the film Path of the Lynx in Cerknica, 20.11.2018 (SLO)
- Cesta slovenského rysa – Slovak premiere of the film Path of the Lynx, 16.-17.11.2018 (SVK, SLO)
- Presentation of LIFE Lynx project and screening of the film Path of the Lynx in Babno polje,27.1.2018 (SLO)
- Presentation of LIFE Lynx project and screening of the film Path of the Lynx in Pivka, 4.1.2018 (SLO)
- Lynx workshop in National park Bayerischer Wald, 15.10.2018 (SLO, RO)
- Presentation in Trippstadt (Palatinate Forest, Germany), 9.10.2018 (SLO)
- Presentation in Loški Potok, 29.9.2018 (SLO)
- Presentation at Biodiversity Conference in Rome, 28.9.2018 (IT)
- Presentation on 13th Croatian biological conference, September 2018 (CRO)
- Presentation of the project and premiere of the documentary Path of the Lynx in Kočevje, 14.6.2018
- Presentation at LIFE information workshop in Ljubljana, 23.5.2018, (SLO)
- Lecture: Lynx in Slovenia, Ljubljana, 22.5.2018 (SLO)
- Project presentation in Karlovac, 10.4.2018 (CRO)
- Lynx Croatia- Project presentation in Zadar, 4.4.2018 (CRO)
- Lynx in Slovenia- Lecture in Novo mesto, 3.4.2018 (SLO)
- Lecture at IFSA Winter meeting, 14.3.2018 (SLO)
- Lecture at LIFE info day in Split, 6.3.2018 (CRO)
- Lecture on large carnivores in Grižane, 21.2.2018 (CRO)
- Lecture for WWF in Milan, 22.12.2017 (SLO)
- Lecture about lynx in Slovenia and LIFE Lynx project, 18.12.2017 (SLO, pdf)
- Lecture for DOPPS – Birdlife Slovenia, 6.12.2017 (SLO)
- Research about lynx in Snežnik forests, 26.10.2017 (SLO)
- Lecture BIOM – LIFE Lynx – Saving the endangered lynx population, 12.10.2017 (CRO, video)
- Networking workshop, organized by LIFE WOLFALPS, 3.-4.7.2018 (EN, pdf)
- Seminar for damage inspectors and agricultural advisors, November 2019
- Communication in large carnivore conservation and management, 16.-18.4.2018 (Proceedings, EN, pdf)
- LIFE Lynx volunteer training, 26.2.2018 (CRO)
Popular articles
- Goru in Doru -prva doseljena risa (SLO, Lovec magazine, page 75-77)
- Sodelovanje in partnerstvo z lovci in drugimi prebivalci lokalnih skupnost je ključno za dolgoročno ohranitev risa pri nas (SLO, Lovec magazine, page 561-563)
- Risova pot (SLO, Bohinjske novice 2019, page 7)
- Sodelovanje z lokalnimi prebivalstom za ohranitev populacije risa (SLO, Pivški list 2019, page 26-27)
- Reševanje risa v Dinaridih in JV Alpah pred izumrtjem (SLO, Iz tršce 2018, page 9)
- Reševanje risa v Dinaridih in jugovzhodnih Alpah pred izumrtjem (SLO, Pivški list 2018, page 33)
- Projekt LIFE Lynx in nova priložnost za rise (SLO, Obrh 2018, page 44-45)
- Nova priložnost za rise (SLO, Odmevi 2018, page 14-15)
- Trebamo li risa? (CRO, Pogled u divljinu 2017, pdf)
- Projekt LIFE Lynx – Preprečevanje izumrtja risa v Dinaridih jugovzhodnih Alpah (SLO, Lovec magazine 2017, page 428-429
- Baseline (pre-reinforcement) genetic status of SE Alpine and Dinaric Lynx population (EN, pdf)
- Baseline demographic status of SE Alpine and Dinaric lynx population (EN, pdf)
- National report on public attitudes towards lynx for Italy: Linci e loro reintroduzione: l’opinione della popolazione (IT, pdf)
- National report on public attitudes towards lynx for Slovenia: Odnos slovenske javnosti in interesnih skupin do risa in upravljanja z njim, 2020 (SLO, pdf)
- National report on public attitudes towards lynx for Croatia: Izvješće o provedenom ispitivanju stavova javnosti o risu i očuvanju risa u 2019. godini u sklopu LIFE Lynx projekta (CRO, pdf)
- Monitoring of Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx) in the Vepor Mountains (Slovakia) (EN, pdf)
- Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) monitoring with camera traps in Slovenia in 2018-2019 (EN, pdf), (SLO, pdf)
- The handbook for investigation of poaching – leaflet (SLO, pdf) (EN, pdf)
- The handbook for investigation of poaching (SLO, pdf) (EN, pdf)
- Lynx genetic sampling guidelines (EN, pdf) (CRO, pdf) (IT, pdf)
- Lynx camera trapping guidelines (EN, pdf) (CRO, pdf), (IT, pdf)
- Regional Reinforcement Plan -Slovenian Dinarids (SLO, pdf)
- Population Level Reinforcement Plan
- Lessons Learned from Past Reintroduction
- Monitoring protocol for the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) population in the Slovak Carpathian Mountains
- Monitoring protocol for the Romanian source of Eurasian lynx population (EN, pdf)
- Protocol for capture, transport and quarantine in the Romanian Carpathians (EN, pdf)
- Protocol for lynx capture, transport and quarantine in the Slovak Carpathians (EN, pdf)
Assessing impacts of the project
- First year of the LIFE Lynx project
- Annual evaluation of indicators for assessing impacts of project actions on local economy and communities and on ecosystem functions – 2018 Assessment
- List of project indicators