Through my studies of Biology Education and Ecology and Biodiversity I realized, that these two areas are strongly connected to each other. Public education about ecology and biology is an important factor for establishing positive attitudes towards large carnivores. Therefore, I am very excited to be involved in the LIFE Lynx project and that I can contribute to the conservation of the Eurasian lynx with different educational content and activities for the public. I like to spend my free time in the nature – mostly hiking or climbing. I also like to spend time with my friends and family, play the guitar, and sing or read an interesting book.
Ana Pšeničnik
University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical FacultyNives Pagon, Ph.D.
Slovenia Forest ServiceI am a biologist with a great interest in animal ecology and behaviour. My work focused primarily on large mammals (herbivores and carnivores) up to now, since the days I was gathering field experience as a volunteer in various research groups across Europe. I am proud to be part of an enthusiastic and professional research team during such an important nature conservation step as saving this lynx population is. I am happiest when hiking or cycling in an inspiring forest/ mountainous landscape and spending time with friends. I also enjoy the underwater life at sea and nurture special interest in officinal plants.
Maja Sever
Slovenia Forest ServiceMy professional path first took me to limnology and freshwater benthic invertebrates. After 10 years my path turned and I joined large carnivore group at Slovenia Forest Service to work on large carnivore communication. It gives me great joy, to work in a group, where I can contribute with my positive energy, resourcefulness and creativity. Lynx conservation is of great importance and I am delighted to have the opportunity to contribute to this goal. My free time is mostly dedicated to my family and friends. I like to travel around the world and hike in the mountains. As an amateur musician I play the drums in local orchestra and sing in a choir.
Andrej Rot
Slovenia Forest ServiceI am a law graduate by education. I come from the western part of Slovenia, from the Posočje region. Nature has always been very close to me and I devote most of my free time to nature activities, especially hunting. My role in the LIFE Lynx project is related to field work, lynx monitoring, communication with hunters, and performing a variety of administrative and legal work. I have great pleasure in working on the project, as I have always been interested in wildlife and large carnivores.
Tomaž Berce
Slovenia Forest ServiceI’m a biologist, actively involved in the field of large carnivores for the last 10 years. First I started as a volunteer, later on as an employee on Slovenia Forest Service. Since 2014, I have been working at SFS in the field of conflict mitigation between people and large carnivores, mostly with damage prevention measures. I always try to understand the challenges of people living in areas of large carnivore presence. I live in countryside, which gives me the opportunity to closely understand the everyday challenges. I was actively involved in researches on golden jackals, otters, beavers, invasive species, and I have been an active ornithologist for more than 20 years. In my free time, I like to be with my family and friends, and I also do sports, mostly running, hiking and other activities in the nature.
Lan Hočevar
University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical FacultyI am a forester by profession. I finished my education at the Biotechnical Faculty at the University of Ljubljana at the Department of Forestry and Renewable Forest Resources. I am most interested in studying animals, especially large carnivores. I have been studying Eurasian lynx for several years, and I have written about it in my diploma thesis (BSc) and more recently in my master’s thesis (MSc). From a young age, I like to spend time in the woods and nature, where I feel the best. In my spare time, I like to do wildlife photography, play football, hike, and hang out with friends.
Astrid Vik Stronen, Ph.D.
University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical FacultyI am a wildlife biologist and researcher in conservation genetics and ecology. My recent studies include genomic analyses of wild species and domestic populations at risk in Europe and Canada, including bison, cattle, dogs, and wolves. I am interested in contemporary evolution resulting from human activities, and how we can best preserve wild species and their habitats in the face of rapid environmental change. I have a strong interest in applied conservation genetics, and in projects that integrate ecology, evolution, and conservation and connect these fields to human dimensions including ethics and human-wildlife interactions. On my free time I enjoy dancing, hiking, reading, and traveling. I feel very fortunate to be involved in this and other wildlife conservation projects that are helping to preserve wild species in southcentral Europe and beyond.
Urša Fležar
University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical FacultyI am a biologist and I work as a researcher at University of Ljubljana and as an analyst at the Slovenia Forestry Service. Questions related to wildlife ecology, conservation and management have been the main focus of my studies and my work. Among these, issues related to monitoring have always grabbed my attention in a special way. I am very excited to be involved with this ambitious international project with such a diverse team of people, where my main task is to follow the progress of lynx reinforcement efforts in Slovenia. When out of the office, I like training with my dog, foraging, painting, podcasting and spending as much time as possible in the nature.
Renato Pontarini
Progetto Lince ItaliaClass 1970 Tarvisio, always passionate about nature and fauna, I have been a member of the Progetto Lince Italia for over 15 years and I am in charge of monitoring. For the PLI I follow the otter and the beaver, two species recently returned to Italy. My great passion is nature photography. I am the official photographer of the PLI and my photos have been published in various magazines, books and calendars.
Alberto Colleselli, Ph.D.
Progetto Lince ItaliaBorn in 1950, have a doctorate in forestry, I started my career working as a forester, teacher and working in the zoology sector. In 1977, I joined the State Forestry Service as an officer, in 2006 assumed the role of superior manager with the rank of general and remained there until retirement. I was a member of the Governing Council of the Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park, and a member of the CITES Commission at the Italian Ministry of the Environment. I am a passionate hunter and operative president in the Federcaccia of the Province of Belluno. I am a member of the AGJSO committee, the permanent assembly of hunting associations in the south-eastern Alps. I am currently also active as President of the progetto Lince Italia.
Zdravko Budimir
BIOMWith a background in social studies, I work for the field of nature protection. Even though nature protection was not a part of my formal education, I have always been close to nature conservation efforts and the promotion of sustainable development. My educational background could also be the reason why I can contribute to LIFE Lynx as much. In the project, I am mostly involved in communication duties and organization of events. Also, with photography as a hobby, I am eager to join our project team in fieldwork and reviewing camera trap footage.
Ivan Budinski
BIOMMy educational background is forestry but my professional occupation includes many aspects of conservation biology. I am working on issues like wildlife crime, habitat restoration, wildlife monitoring or invasive species. Thus, I have never fully specialized but I am constantly dealing with the complexity of conservation and Nature.
Enjoying in fieldwork no matter which habitat or season, sea or land. I have always been interested in raptors and owls and now, in connecting it to the conservation of the large carnivores. I am working in Association Biom since 2009. When I am not on work than I spend time with my wife and son, again being a lot of time in nature or in our organic garden
Nina Jankovič
Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature ConservationI work at the Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation. My field of expertise is creating interpretive centers. Currently I am working on two exhibitions, the story of black olm which is endemic to the underground waters in Bela krajina and the story of the river Krka focused on Natura 2000. I am happy to be part of the LIFE Lynx project. With team of experts we will create nature trail to explain reintroduction of lynx. In free time I like to travel and spending time in nature, as much as possible.
Paolo Molinari
Progetto Lince ItaliaBorn in 1967. I studied forestry sciences, but I soon abandoned forestry to devote myself to research, management and conservation of wildlife. I have been involved in the management of ungulates and for over 30 years I have been dealing with large carnivors, specializing in the brown bear and Eurasian lynx. I am a founding member and technical-scientific coordinator of the Progetto Lince Italia, a member of the IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group, the SCALP and KORA. I am operating as a scientific consultant for wildlife management for the Carabinieri Forestali. Together with some colleagues I was the promoter of the WISO platform of the Alpine Convention of which I was secretary for 6 years. I am currently also a member of the Italian delegation of the Ministry of the Environment. I have collaborated on numerous naturalistic documentaries and I am the author of several books. I’m a passionate hunter.
Lado Bradač
Hunters Association of SloveniaI am a hunter and president of the Hunters Association of Slovenia. I have been active in the hunting organization for many years, and I take care of fulfilling our mission about nature conservation for future generations. To reach our goal and accomplish our mission, hunters spend almost one million hours per year volunteering to do good for the environment and nature. Participating in the LIFE Lynx project is just one of the activities, but priceless in terms of our mission. Because of the demanding full-time job and volunteer work at the Hunters Association of Slovenia, I do not have much free time, but if I do, I prefer to spend it in nature and at the seaside.
Dr. Silvia Blašković
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of ZagrebI am a veterinarian and I’ve always been fascinated by large carnivores and dreamed about conservation of endangered species. I started participating in the project activities during my studies, and lynxes have been subject of my dissertation. I am currently a PhD student at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb and I am extremely proud that as part of the LIFE Lynx team I will contribute to the preservation of our lynx population. In my free time, I find the greatest joy in hiking and photographing nature and animals.
Rok Černe
Projektový manažérSom lesníkom a pracujem viac ako desať rokov ako projektový manažér pre voľne žijúce živočíchy v Slovinskej lesnej službe. V súčasnosti som koordinátor projektu LIFE Lynx. Okrem toho som v posledných troch a pol rokoch koordinoval projekt LIFE DINALP BEAR a bude pokračovať v implementácii LIFE DINALP BEAR až do jeho dokončenia. Vo svojom voľnom čase veľmi rád trávim čas s rodinou. Mám rád putovanie, turistiku, kite surfing a snowboarding.
Andrea Gazzola
EkológSom ekológ a pracujem na projektoch ochrany prírody už viac ako pätnásť rokov. Môj výskum sa zameriava na vlkov. Vedomosti o ich správaní a ekológii som získal tým, že som ich študoval v rôznych ekosystémoch, od Apenín po Alpy a Karpaty.
Práca s rôznymi inštitúciami (univerzity, mimovládne organizácie a správy prírodných parkov) rozvinuli moje komplexné znalosti o výskume, ochrane a manažmente vlkov.
Od roku 2013 som stálym zamestnancom v ACDB. LIFE Lynx poskytuje vynikajúcu príležitosť na zlepšenie poznatkov o jednom z najzriedkavejších a najcharakteristickejších druhov v Európe.
Vo svojom voľnom čase si užívam kreslenie komiksu, čítanie kníh a beh v horách.
Mariana Gheorghiu
Administratívny pracovníkZa posledných dvanásť rokov som pracovala ako projektová manažérka a finančná manažérka troch projektov LIFE Nature. Ako člen ACDB som prispela k aktivitám ochrany tak v teréne, ako aj kancelárii. Ako administratívna a finančná manažérka zodpovedná za projekty ACDB som sa naučila, že projekty ochrany pre svoju úspešnosť potrebujú veľa zdrojov a tímovú prácu.
Tomislav Gomerčić, Ph.D.
PhD DVMSom profesor na Fakulte veterinárskeho lekárstva Univerzity v Záhrebe a moje vyučovanie sa zameriava na zoológiu a ekológiu. Bol som zapojený do výskumu veľkých šeliem a morských cicavcov už viac ako pätnásť rokov. Vo svojej profesionálnej práci spájam svoju vášeň s prírodou a počítačovými technológiami. Som otcom troch detí a milujem paragliding, plachtenie a radosť zo života.
Maja Jelenčič, Ph.D.
VýskumníčkaSom biologička a od roku 2010 spolupracujem s výskumnou skupinou Výskumu Ekológie Zvierat BF, UL, kde je mojou hlavnou zodpovednosťou zabezpečenie plynulého fungovania našich genetických laboratórií. Som rada, že mám príležitosť pracovať na takých projektoch ako LIFE Lynx, vediac, že naša práca má vplyv na ochranu prírody. Väčšina môjho voľného času je teraz venovaná rodinnému životu – radi chodíme von, objavujeme nové miesta a jednoducho si užívame spoločný čas.
Irena Kavčič, Ph.D.
VýskumníčkaKeď som dokončila svoj mikrobiologický titul, chcela som tráviť viac času mimo laboratória a pracovať na otázkach ochrany. Počas môjho doktorandského štúdia som sa angažovala v rôznych projektoch s veľkými šelmami. Užívam si štúdium komplexnosti ochrany veľkých šeliem, ako aj prácu pre lepšiu koexistencii medzi ľuďmi a voľne žijúcimi zvieratami. V rámci projektu LIFE Lynx koordinujem aktivity cestovného ruchu založené na rysoch, ktoré prinášajú úžitok lokálnym komunitám a ochrane rysa. Milujem byť v prírode, ďaleko od technológie a pred spaním čítanie dobrej knihy.
Miha Krofel, Ph.D.
Výskumný pracovník a odborný asistentSom výskumník divej zveri a pracujem hlavne v problematike ekológii veľkých šeliem, ich manažmente a ochrane v Európe a Afrike. Väčšinu svojho výskumu som venoval rysovi, medveďovi, vlkovi, leopardovi, gepardovi, snežnému leopardovi a šakalovi. V menšom rozsahu som študoval aj dravce, krkavcovité a jašterice. Moja doktorandská práca sa sústredila na medzidruhové interakcie medzi rysom a inými zvieratami, s ktorými rys žije v Dinárskom lesnom ekosystéme. Vo voľnom čase sa mi páči najmä cestovanie po svete a fotografovanie voľne žijúcich živočíchov.
Rudolf Kropil, Ph.D.
RektorSom prezidentom Slovenskej rektorskej konferencie, rektorom Technickej univerzity vo Zvolene a vedúcim katedry aplikovanej zoológie a manažmentu divokej zveri. Moja práca sa špecializuje na riešenie problémov trvalo udržateľného rozvoja, aplikovanej zoológie (ornitológie a mammalogie) a lesnej ekológie vo vzťahu k iným ekonomickým, lesníckym a environmentálnym disciplínam, a nedávno som sa podieľala na zlepšovaní manažmentu kopytníkov.
Jakub Kubala, Ph.D.
Ph.D. VýskumníkSom zoológ a výskumník Katedry aplikovanej zoológie a manažmentu zveri, na Lesníckej fakulte Technickej univerzity vo Zvolene. Moja práca je zameraná na výskum, ochranu a manažment rysa ostrovida a iných šeliem v Západných Karpatoch a v Európe. Aktívne spolupracujem s viacerými národnými a medzinárodnými inštitúciami, ako Ministerstvo životného prostredia Slovenskej republiky, Národná Zoologická záhrada Bojnice, Štátna ochrana prírody Slovenskej republiky, KORA, LCIE, WWF etc.
Aleš Pičulin
LesníkMojou profesiou je lesník. Získal som bakalársky titul na univerzite v Ľubľane. V súčasnosti pracujem na magisterskom stupni, kde skúmam úlohu európskeho jazveca (Meles meles) ako ekosystémového inžiniera. Vždy som sa cítil prepojený s lesom a so zvieratami, ktoré tam žijú – to je hlavný dôvod, prečo som sa rozhodol študovať lesníctvo. Som tiež poľovník, čo je naša rodinná tradícia. Keď som v prírode, rád pozorujem a fotografujem rôzne zvieratá, stromy a rôzne drevinové skladby. Pretože mojim koníčkom je maľovanie, snažím sa prenášať tieto obrazy a jedinečné situácie na papier a plátno. Moja umelecká tvorba je väčšinou inšpirovaná divokou prírodou. Okrem umenia rád hrám na akordeón a venujem sa viacerým športom, vrátane ľadového hokeja, basketbalu, futbalu a turistiky.
Mihai Pop
Špecialista na voľne žijúce zvieratáZaujímam sa o voľne žijúce zvieratá a rád by som trávil svoj čas podporou iniciatív na ochranu biodiverzity. Počas posledných pätnástich rokov som pracoval na obhospodarovaní lesov, chránených územiach, biotopoch a ochrane prírody, ale mojim prvoradým záujmom sú hnedé medvede a iné veľké šelmy. Pracoval som pre verejné inštitúcie, súkromné spoločnosti, výskumné centrá a ochranárske nevládne organizácie v Rumunsku. Projekt LIFELYNX mi priniesol novú výzvu, ktorú som nemohol odmietnuť.
Ivana Selanec
BiologičkaMoja účasť na ochrane prírody sa začala štúdiom biológie na Záhrebskej univerzite, kde som ukončil magisterské štúdium v oblasti ekológie a ochrany prírody v roku 2012. Moje ranné štúdie sa zameriavali na ekológiu cicavcov prostredníctvom účasti na inventári malých cicavcov a výskume distribúcie šakalov. Počas posledných piatich rokov som pracovala v asociácii Biom, kde som sa sústredila na invázne druhy cicavcov v Chorvátsku, endemické druhy hlodavcov dinárskeho snežného hraboša, ekológiu a ochranu šeliem. Zapájam sa do vzdelávacích aktivít našej asociácie a riadenia projektov zameraných na ochranu prírody; Uplatňujem Otvorené štandardy pre prax v otázke ochrany ako CCnet tréner. Žijem v meste Sinj v Dalmáckom Záhorí v Chorvátska, kde sa môj partner Ivan a syn Marko tešia krásnemu prírodnému prostrediu.
Teodora Sin
EkologičkaSom ekologička a počas posledných siedmich rokov pracujem na projektoch ochrany veľkých šeliem. Moje štúdium sa zameralo hlavne na ekológiu a ochranu vlkov a v roku 2018 dokončím doktorandské štúdium. v Ekológii na Bukurešťskej univerzite v rámci rovnakej témy. Moja vzdelanie zahŕňa aj titul M.Sc. v environmentálnych vedách a B.A. v geografii.
Nemôžem zostať stále príliš dlho a rada poznávam veci do detailu, takže môj voľný čas trávim pri aktivitách v prírode – horolezectvo, bežecké trasy, jazda na bicykli – alebo skúmanie okolia miest, kde žijem.
Magda Sindičić, Ph.D.
PhD DVMSom odborný asistent na Fakulte veterinárnej medicíny Univerzity v Záhrebe, kde vyučujem manažment voľne žijúcich živočíchov a ich ochorení. Od začiatku mojej vedeckej kariéry som sa zamerala na výskum rysa a som nadšená, že prispievam k ochrane tohto nádherného druhu. Mojimi ďalšími odbornými záujmami sú biológia a patológia voľne žijúcich živočíchov, najmä šeliem, parazitológia voľne žijúcich zvierat a ochranná genetika zachovania. Pochádzam od Stredozemného mora, som matka a dobrovoľník v humanitárnych organizáciách. Najšťastnejšia som pri turistike a plavbe s priateľmi a rodinou.
Peter Smolko, Ph.D.
VýskumníkSom zoológ a výskumník Katedry aplikovanej zoológie a manažmentu zveri, na Lesníckej fakulte Technickej univerzity vo Zvolene. Môj výskum sa zameriava na potravnú ekológiu a výživu voľne žijúcich kopytníkov, interakcie medzi rastlinami, bylinožravcami a predátormi, ako aj vplyvom zmien krajiny na populácie divokej zveri. Som tiež zapojený do zlepšovania praktického manažmentu divých kopytníkov a ochrany veľkých šeliem.
Cosmin Stîngă
Predsedom ACDBSom predsedom Asociácie pre zachovanie biodiverzity a som zodpovedný za realizáciu projektov na zachovanie druhov počas predvstupového a vstupného obdobia Rumunska do EÚ. Z tohto dôvodu som oboznámený so špecifickými požiadavkami rôznych finančných prostriedkov určených na zachovanie biodiverzity. Pracoval som na projektoch na ochranu prírody, ktoré zahŕňali odchyt, imobilizáciu, telemetrický monitoring a monitoring medveďa, rysa a vlka. Súčasná aktivita sa čiastočne venuje fungovaniu centra ACDB pre rehabilitáciu divokej zveri.
Seth Wilson, Ph.D.
BiológAko biológ, obdivujem vzťahy medzi prírodou, kultúrou a komunitou. Ako taký som sa zameral na bakalárske, postgraduálne a postdoktorandské vzdelávanie a integráciu spoločenských vied a ekológie s dôrazom na ochranu veľkých šeliem. V súčasnosti som vedeckým spolupracovníkom na Northern Rockies Conservation Cooperative a členom fakulty na univerzite v Montane. Pracujem aj v Expertnej skupine odborníkov na konflikt medzi ľuďmi a medveďmi IUCN.
Počas rokov 2015-2016 som mal veľké šťastie pracovať ako technický poradca Slovinskej lesnej služby v rámci projektu LIFE DINALP Bear Project. Som nadšený, že sa vrátim do Slovinska ešte na ďalší rok – tentoraz pre projekt LIFE Lynx.
Užívam si trávenie svojho voľného času s rodinou, pri skúmaní sveta – najmä prírody. Milujeme keď sme v horách, na riekach, alebo v lese. Mojou nádejou je nechať svojim deťom a budúcim generáciám krásnu a zdravú planétu.
Srečko Žerjav
Riaditeľ HASSom poľovník, obdivovateľ prírody a v súčasnosti v mojej tretej funkcii aj riaditeľ Združenia poľovníkov Slovinska (HAS). Som aktívny v Európskej federácii združení pre poľovníctvo a ochranu (FACE) a Medzinárodnej rade pre ochranu divokej zveri a prírody (CIC). Ako externý partner som zapojený do niektorých akcií a aktivít projektov LIFE SLOWOLF a DINALPBEAR. Vo svojom voľnom čase si užívam prírodu, ako turista, rybár – muškár a poľovník. Všetci musíme pomôcť chrániť prírodu!
Mag. Aleksandra Majić Skrbinšek
Project Manager and ResearcherMy main professional interest and motivation is to contribute to finding effective solutions to conservation problems. My affection for animals was first directed towards getting a degree in veterinary medicine and completing a thesis in wolf ecology. As I got more involved in practical conservation in the field, I’ve learned that working with people is the main challenge in nature conservation. Therefore, I focused my graduate studies on human dimensions of wildlife management, especially public participation in decision-making and studies of public attitudes towards large carnivore species. In my 20 years of professional experience, I have worked on different nature conservation and research projects, mainly in Slovenia and Croatia. I am a member of IUCN/SSC specialist group “Large carnivore initiative for Europe”. I am currently based at the Biology Department of Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana in the position of project manager and researcher. When not at work, I am a full-time wife and a mother, and part-time dog walker, sailor, seamstress, and volunteer at Down Syndrome Association of Slovenia.
Anja Molinari-Jobin, Ph.D.
Progetto Lince ItaliaI have been involved in research and monitoring projects of large carnivores for more than 25 years. As a member of Progetto Lince Italia and KORA, my main topic is the reintegration of lynx into the Alps. I coordinate the SCALP (Status and Conservation of the Alpine lynx Population), a programme aimed to synchronize the monitoring and conservation activities of lynx in the Alps. I am a member of the IUCN/SSC specialist groups “Cat Specialist Group” and “Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe”. In the frame of the project LIFE Lynx I am coordinating the activities in Italy and act as consultant for lynx captures in the Carpathians. I am a hunter and bee-keeper.
Vedran Slijepčević
Karlovac University of Applied SciencesI am a veterinarian specialized in wildlife manipulation as well as non-invasive research of large carnivores. I work as a senior lecturer on Department of wildlife management and nature conservation on Karlovac University of Applied Sciences. Most of my work on lynx is based on recognition of signs of presence and camera trapping, as well as capture, manipulation and telemetry research. I tend to include my students in every part of field research I can, so they can experience real research situations first hand. I am also experienced hunter and spearfisherman and I try to steal every possible moment from „real life“ and spend it in nature with my dog Gea.
Ira Topličanec
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine ZagrebI’m a PhD student at the Faculty of Veterinary medicine in Zagreb, Croatia. My passion for nature and outdoor activities defined my career goals and life aspirations. As a veterinary student, I was always looking for a chance to work with wildlife, not only in Croatia, but throughout Europe with a little help from different scholarships. As a result, I am thrilled and proud to be part of the LIFE Lynx project team where I am getting a chance to work with many amazing researchers and specialists who dedicated their professional life to wildlife research and conservation.
Manca Velkavrh
University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical FacultyDuring my student years, I was involved in many activities as a volunteer, including some projects about large carnivores. I am very happy this became part of my work now. I am especially interested in the peoples’ perspective, since I don’t see the question of large carnivores as a question of nature, as much as I see it as a question of society. I love spending time surrounded by nature, often together with my dog, spending time with my friends, training Brazilian jiu-jitsu and listening to music.