- LIFE Lynx After-LIFE conservation plan (EN, pdf) (SLO, pdf) (IT, pdf) (CRO, pdf) (SVK, pdf) (ROM, pdf)
- Success of the lynx releases and genetic reinforcement of the Dinaric population (EN, pdf)
- Establishment of a population “stepping stone” in the SE Alpine area (EN, pdf)
- Report on Habitat suitability and connectivity models for lynx between and within the SE Alps and Dinaric Mountains area (EN, pdf)
- Report about the use and effects of electric fences (EN, pdf)
- Baselines for Establishing meta-population connectivity of Eurasian lynx populations in the Alps, Dinarics and Balkan – Handbook (EN, pdf)
- Development of the population and impact of the reinforcement program with experiences gained and recommendations for future lynx reinforcement projects (EN, pdf)
- Monitoring of survival, movement, reproduction and predation of translocated lynx and other lynx equipped with GPS collars (EN, pdf)
- Our experiences in working with stakeholders through Local Consultative Groups (EN, pdf)
- Final report on Surveillance of the reinforcement process of the Dinaric-SE Alpine lynx population in lynx-monitoring year 2022-2023 (EN, pdf)
- National report Slovenia: odnos slovenske javnosti in interesnih skupin do risa in upravljanja z njim, 2023 (SLO, pdf)
- Assessment of public attitudes toward lynx and lynx conservation in Slovenia, Croatia, and Italy – 2022 – FINAL report (EN, pdf)
- Navodila za ukrepanje v primeru nezakonite usmrtitve prostoživeče živali – revidirana verzija (SLO, pdf) (EN, pdf)
- National report Croatia: Izvješće o provedenom ispitivanju stavova javnosti o risu i očuvanju risa u 2023. godini (CRO, pdf)
- Izvješće o provedenom ispitivanju stavova javnosti o risu i očuvanju risa u 2013. godini u sklopu LIFE Lynx projekta (CRO, pdf)
- National report Italy: La lince eurasiatica a la sua gestione e conservazione in Italia: Il parere della comunita, 2023 (IT, pdf)
- Technical report: Dispersal probability and potential connectivity between Dinaric-SE Alpine and neighbouring lynx populations and their consequent effect on their mutual viability: methodological perspective (EN, pdf)
- Uključivanje povezanosti i pogodnosti staništa za risa u prostorno planiranje (CRO, pdf)
- Vključevanje povezljivosti in primernosti prostora za risa v prostorsko načrtovanje (SLO, pdf)
- Smjernice za postipanje sa siročadi risa (CRO, pdf)
- Surveillance of the reinforcement process of the Dinaric -SE Alpine lynx population in the lynx-monitoring year 2021_2022 (EN, pdf)
- Common guidelines for Dinaric-SE Alpine population-level lynx management (EN, pdf)
- Consideration of large carnivores in the management of wild ungulates (EN, pdf, SLO, pdf)
- Surveillance of the reinforcement process of the Dinaric -SE Alpine lynx population in the lynx-monitoring year 2020-2021 (EN, pdf)
- Monitoring of the Eurasian lynx in the Eastern Romanian Carpathians from 2017 to 2021 (EN, pdf)
- National report Croatia: Izvješće o provedenom ispitivanju stavova javnosti o risu i očuvanju risa u 2021. godini (CRO, pdf)
- National report Slovenia: Odnos slovenske javnosti in interesnih skupin do risa in upravljanja z njim, 2022 (SLO, pdf)
- National report Italy: La lince eurasiatica a la sua gestione e conservazione in Italia: Il parere della comunita, 2021 (IT, pdf)
- Optimal management scenarios for ensuring viability of lynx in the Dinaric mountains and South eastern Alps (EN, pdf)
- First report about the success of the lynx releases and genetic reinforcement of the Dinaric population (EN, pdf)
- Surveillance of the reinforcement process of the Dinaric -SE Alpine lynx population in the lynx-monitoring year 2019-2020 (EN, pdf)
- The handbook for investigation of poaching – leaflet (SLO, pdf) (EN, pdf)
- The handbook for investigation of poaching (SLO, pdf) (EN, pdf)
- Baseline (pre-reinforcement) genetic status of SE Alpine and Dinaric Lynx population (EN, pdf)
- Baseline demographic status of SE Alpine and Dinaric lynx population (EN, pdf)
- National report on public attitudes towards lynx for Italy: Linci e loro reintroduzione: l’opinione della popolazione (IT, pdf)
- National report on public attitudes towards lynx for Slovenia: Odnos slovenske javnosti in interesnih skupin do risa in upravljanja z njim, 2020 (SLO, pdf)
- Izvješće o provedenom ispitivanju stavova javnosti o risu i očuvanju risa u 2019. godini u sklopu LIFE Lynx projekta (CRO, pdf)
- Monitoring of Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx) in the Vepor Mountains (Slovakia), (EN, pdf)
- Monitoring of Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx) in the Volovec Mountains (Slovakia), (EN, pdf)
- Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) monitoring with camera traps in Slovenia in 2018-2019 (EN, pdf), (SLO, pdf)
- Regional Reinforcement Plan – Slovenian Alps (SLO, pdf)
- Regionalni plan repopulacije – Hrvatska (CRO, pdf)
- Regional Reinforcement Plan -Slovenian Dinarids (SLO, pdf) (CRO, pdf)
- Population Level Reinforcement Plan (EN, pdf)
- Lessons Learned from Past Reintroduction (EN, pdf)
- Priručnik za prikupljanje neinvazivnih uzoraka risa (EN, pdf) (CRO, pdf) (IT, pdf)
- Vodič za praćenje risa fotozamkama (EN, pdf) (CRO, pdf)
- Monitoring protocol for the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) population in the Slovak Carpathian Mountains (EN, pdf)
- Monitoring protocol for the Romanian source of Eurasian lynx population (EN, pdf)
- Protocol for capture, transport and quarantine in the Romanian Carpathians (EN, pdf)
- Protocol for lynx capture, transport and quarantine in the Slovak Carpathians (EN, pdf)