The last LCG meeting in the project was organized in Gospić on 28th of March 2024, where we were welcomed by Public Institution Nature Park Velebit. They have been of huge help during all the field activities in the LIFELynx project and they are going to continue with camera trap based monitoring in the years to come. Other public institutions also took part in the meeting: Lika-Senj County, National Park Northern Velebit, National...
Read MoreBetween 2019 and 2023, we intensively followed the process of integration of the translocated lynx into the Dinaric SE Alpine population. We were studying the impacts of these translocations on the Dinaric SE-Alpine lynx population by recording signs of lynx presence and lynx mortality, systematic camera-trapping and telemetry tracking and non-invasive genetic sampling. Besides the LIFE Lynx project staff, more than 200 hunters,...
Read MoreA special issue of the Goldhorn Bulletin is dedicated to the protection and conservation of the lynx. In compiles results of research of lynx monitoring approaches (on population and individual level, public attitudes surveys and ecological connectivity. The Bulletin was distributed to various hunting families (clubs) in Slovenia with the aim of raising awareness among hunters about the importance of lynx conservation for future...
Read MoreGenetic analysis has confirmed that lynx Matic, who was fitted with GPS collar in January this year, is in fact the offspring of translocated male lynx Goru and local female lynx Teja. Matic dispersed to the area of Velika Gora and Stojna in Kočevsko region of Slovenia. Matic was filmed in his homerange. Video: Franc Kljun, Biotechnical Faculy, University of Ljubljana. Telemetry data currently indicates that Matic has a territory with...
Read MoreJust a few days before the end of the LIFE Lynx project, we capture and fitted with a telemetry collar another lynx from the Gorenjska region. A 20 kg male, estimated to be 1-2 years old, was caught in a box-trap set in the area of Bohinjska Bistrica Hunting Club, in the Jelovica plateau. We assume that he is an offspring of the translocated lynxes Aida and Zois, but we will have to wait for genetic analysis to confirm this. The lynx...
Read MoreToday, we are celebrating World Rewilding Day, with a slogan “Hope into Action” to raise awareness about the benefits of nature conservation for wildlife, people, and the planet. The LIFE Lynx project has brought together experts, scientists, conservationists, hunters, and other local people from five European countries with a common goal – to save the Lynx from extinction. Their efforts are featured in the...
Read MoreThe LIFE Lynx project continues the work of hunters and foresters who brought back the lynx in Dinaric Mountains in 1973; their work is presented in our first film Path of the Lynx. Another extinction was threatening Lynx in Slovenia and Croatia. The main reason was inbreeding. LIFE Lynx project has joined experts, conservationists, researchers, and hunters from five European countries, with a common goal – to save the lynx from...
Read MoreSneška is the last lynx translocated in the scope of the LIFE Lynx project and the only female lynx translocated and released in the Dinaric part of the Dinaric –SE Alpine lynx population. About two months after her release in Snežnik area, she headed north and later on established her territory in Rakitna between Iški Vintgar gorge and Borovnica. In this area, a male lynx Catalin has his territory. We are monitoring both lynxes with...
Read MoreIn January, researchers from the Biotechnical Faculty – Department of Biology in collaboration with the ZOO Ljubljana’s veterinary team, captured and collared a young male lynx weighing 23.5 kg in the area of Velika Gora near Ribnica. They named it Matic, after a local hunter. It was estimated to be about 3 years old. Matic, who is most likely a descendant of the lynx Goru, has been recorded several times before in the...
Read MoreThe MBase web portal contains project images of lynx obtained by systematic monitoring of the population using camera traps. In addition, the portal provides access to the locations and movements of those lynx that have been fitted with a telemetry collar in the frame of the project. How to access this data, has already been described in our previous news about Goru, Catalin and Blisk. It is a web-based interactive portal with a...
Read MoreWe have good news from the Javorniki hills above Cerknica Lake: a female lynx with two cubs was recorded on automatic cameras! In the autumn, hunters from the area told us that they had seen a female with cubs, but unfortunately none of them managed to record it. That area is also a territory of lynx Blisk, who has been translocated there from Romania in 2022 and regularly tracked via GPS telemetry ever since. During the mating season...
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