Baselines for Establishing meta-population connectivity of Eurasian lynx populations in the Alps, Dinarics and Balkan – Handbook (EN, pdf)
Handbook for teachers – Lynx ecology and conservation biologa – UPDATED VERSION (SLO, pdf)
Our experiences in working with stakeholders through Local Consultative Groups (EN, pdf)
Considerazione e integrazione della connettivita e dell’idoneitaspaziale per lalince nei processi dipianificazione territoriale (IT, pdf)
The handbook for investigation of poaching – reviewed version (SLO, pdf) (EN, pdf)
Uključivanje povezanosti i pogodnosti staništa za risa u prostorno planiranje (CRO, pdf)
Vključevanje povezljivosti in primernosti prostora za risa v prostorsko načrtovanje (SLO, pdf)
Guidelines for management of lynx orphans in Croati a (CRO, pdf)
Linee guida communi per la gestione della lince a livello della popolazione Dinarica-Alpi Sudorientali (IT, pdf)
Common guidelines for Dinaric-SE Alpine population-level lynx management (EN, pdf)
Consideration of large carnivores in the management of wild ungulates (EN, pdf , SLO, pdf )
Handbook for teachers – Lynx ecology and conservation biology (SLO, pdf) (IT, pdf)
The handbook for investigation of poaching – leaflet (SLO, pdf) (EN, pdf)
The handbook for investigation of poaching (SLO, pdf) (EN, pdf)
Lynx genetic sampling guidelines (EN, pdf) (CRO, pdf) (IT, pdf)
Lynx camera trapping guidelines (EN, pdf) (CRO, pdf)
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