
Lynx at Slovenian Matura Exam

Lynx at Slovenian Matura Exam

Posted - Feb 3, 2025

Do you know which species are most closely related to the Eurasian Lynx? What are the consequences of inbreeding? What is the importance of marking territory? Slovenian students who took Biology at Slovenian Matura Exam probably know the answers. In the “Ecology” section, they answered nine questions related to lynx ecology, the protection of key species in the ecosystem and genetic diversity. Schools are keeping up with...

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The LIFE Lynx project has made a significant leap in conservation the Dinaric lynx population through genetic rescue. Facing severe inbreeding, with effective inbreeding reaching critical, the population was at high risk of extinction. After the translocations, сarried out in frame of the LIFE Lynx project, inbreeding was significantly reduced. Recent publication confirms the critical role of these measures in improving the genetic...

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Since last summer, Sneška is taking over a task of a mother lynx. She is raising two kittens which seem to be in good shape and it will soon be time for them to find their own territory. We recorded them at dinner on their prey remains, an old roe deer buck. Studies show that lynxes select older or weaker individuals for their prey, which we observed this time on the field, too. If we take a closer look, we can see that kittens are...

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Rozi, a young female lynx from Slovenian Alps became a mother this year. She was born in 2022 and is the offspring of translocated lynxes Aida and Zois. In the Julian Alps, we filmed her with one of her cubs as they fed and explored the surroundings of their prey remains. In an area similar where Rozi has her territory, there is a territory of a young male lynx Miha, who we monitor with telemetry since the end of winter 2023. He...

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Coherent management response is crucial for long-term conservation of Dinaric-SE Alpine lynx population. Slovenia is continuing their vision to conserve lynx for future generations, by adopting Strategy and Action Plan for Conservation and sustainable management of Eurasian Lynx for the Period 2024-2033, where concrete actions are defined. The conservation objectives of the Strategy are: A genetically stable and viable population,...

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Our documentary film is successfully spreading the word about the efforts to save the Dinaric-SE Alpine lynx population from extinction. To make it reach even more people around Europe and even further, it has been screened at film festivals, national televisions and various events. More than 8000 people already watched it on LIFE Lynx YouTube channel, where it is available with Italian, English, Romanian, Croatian, Slovenian, and...

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Now in its 40th year, the Animal Behavior Society (ABS) film festival featured top films that were produced in the preceding five years that portray important concepts in animal behavior research and education. Categories include both amateur (non-commercial) and professional (commercial) films. Films were ranked based on their accuracy, quality of narration, quality of videography, degree of anthropomorphism, and overall appeal....

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Understanding large carnivore space use is essential for effective management in human-dominated landscapes and accurate population estimates. However, Eurasian lynx show significant variation in home range sizes across Europe, which makes broader extrapolations harder. Our study, conducted in the temperate forests of the Western Carpathians across Slovakia, Czechia, and Poland, analyses the home range variations of 35 Eurasian lynx...

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The high-quality videos of lynx that you share with us are very precious as there is currently no systematic monitoring of lynx in Slovenia. Although we have not been able to identify the lynx in the footage, we will store the footage in the MBase online database, where it will be available for possible future identification. It is difficult to say whether this is a juvenile or an adult lynx, as in July the “kittens” of...

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At the end of the project we have prepared the final assessment of our project’s impacts on local economy, local communities and ecosystems services. Results are presented in a report while the most interesting figures are summarized in an infographics shown below. Click to enlarge the...

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Sneška has two kittens!

Sneška has two kittens!

Posted - Aug 1, 2024

We successfully captured video footage of lynx Sneška and her first confirmed litter since her release into the Snežnik area in Slovenia. The videos show Sneška at her den site with two healthy kittens. After spending some time nurturing her young, Sneška moved them to a new location, a common behavior for lynx to ensure the safety of their offspring. A few weeks after Sneška and her kittens vacated the den, translocated male lynx...

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