While lynx spend night-time hunting, feeding, and moving through their territory, day-time is mostly used for resting.
While resting, lynx like to spend time grooming to keep clean, and scratching on hard surfaces, like logs and trees, to keep their claws sharp. Just like other wildlife species, lynx prefer to rest at peaceful sites. When looking for a resting site, they show a strong selection for heterogeneous landscapes and covert micro-locations, which provide shelter, protection from people, a good view of their surroundings, and means for territorial marking.
Usually, lynx resting sites are located far from locations with high human activity, such as human settlements, hiking trails, and roads. The Karstic area in Slovenia and Croatia is known for its heterogeneous landforms with plenty of rocks, ridges, and caves so finding a good place to rest should not be a problem for a lynx!
Studies in Slovenia showed that lynx also select resting sites with denser vegetation cover. This offers lynx a better hideout from potential disturbance, especially from people and other large predators like bears and wolves.
Lynx in captivity spends most of the day-time resting on perching platforms at or near the top of their enclosure. These platforms provide a place from which they can hide, peer out, and offer a good view of the horizon.