What is the Lynx Walk Guide and how to use it


The idea behind this guide is to take you to places and experience them from a different perspective – a lynx perspective.

The guide is focused on the fact that the Dinarides are home to the endangered and strictly protected population of the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx). LIFE Lynx project team is still fighting to ensure its sustainability in this area as human impact has been nearly fatal for it, despite nature’s best efforts.

The content of the guide is not related to one specific trail, but you can find an example of the hiking trail we recommend on page 31-32. It will help you to recognize and find places across the range of lynx distribution in Croatia and Slovenia that may be used by the lynx and other large carnivores, such as the grey wolf (Canis lupus) and brown bear (Ursus arctos). It should help you to recognize typical signs of its presence, and tell you the story of lynx life and our on-going research in the Dinarides. To help you understand how this guide should be used, we have highlighted a few points.

If you decide to try the recommended tour, do not forget to ask for the Lynx Walk stamp at the facilities mentioned on page 31-32.


We have also prepared a Lynx Walk Treasure Hunt for you! Look for this sign and you will find a task. Let us know your results!



If you see any lynx signs or tracks while visiting the wildlife area (shown on page 5), please feel free to contact us via email: [email protected], [email protected].