Recapture of lynx Lenka

Posted - Nov 27, 2023

We started the last lynx live-capturing season in Slovenia for the purpose of telemetry monitoring. Just three days after setting 5 traps in the region, a trap was triggered in the hunting ground of LD Nomenj Gorjuše, in which the lynx Lenka was captured. She is one of the three lynxes, released in the area of Pokljuka in 2021. Unfortunately, shortly after the release in 2021, her telemetry collar stopped working, but we kept monitoring her with photo-traps in the Pokljuka area, where she established her territory. The cameras also revealed that she had one cub last year.

The veterinarians from ZOO Ljubljana and Veterinary Clinic Zajec, who were present at Lenka’s capture found her to be in good physical condition, having 15.5 kg, almost the same as she had when she was captured in Slovakia. After a thorough examination, they concluded that Lenka has no cubs this year.

Unfortunately, after one week, Lenkas’ new collar dropped off, due to a technical fault in the attachment of the collar. The area and the lynx will be monitored using camera traps and winter tracking in the snow.

Local hunters were interested to see lynx Lenka, a territorial lynx from their hunting ground. Photo: Urša Fležar, LIFE Lynx

Veterinary examination of lynx Lenka. Photo: Nika Mohorič, LIFE Lynx

Fitting a new telemetry collar. Photo: Nika Mohorič, LIFE Lynx