Posts Tagged "C.3 Reinforcement of Dinaric Lynx Population"

Since last summer, Sneška is taking over a task of a mother lynx. She is raising two kittens which seem to be in good shape and it will soon be time for them to find their own territory. We recorded them at dinner on their prey remains, an old roe deer buck. Studies show that lynxes select older or weaker individuals for their prey, which we observed this time on the field, too. If we take a closer look, we can see that kittens are...

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Sneška has two kittens!

Sneška has two kittens!

Posted - Aug 1, 2024

We successfully captured video footage of lynx Sneška and her first confirmed litter since her release into the Snežnik area in Slovenia. The videos show Sneška at her den site with two healthy kittens. After spending some time nurturing her young, Sneška moved them to a new location, a common behavior for lynx to ensure the safety of their offspring. A few weeks after Sneška and her kittens vacated the den, translocated male lynx...

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The main goal of the LIFE Lynx project was to genetically reinforce the lynx population in the Dinarides and to establish a new stepping stone lynx population in the Alps. We have prepared two reports, summarizing lynx reintroduction activities in Dinaric region and SE Alps. In the reports you can find out which lynx were introduced into the Alpine and Dinaric areas, their personal details, and the areas of release. The reports also...

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Sneška is the last lynx translocated in the scope of the LIFE Lynx project and the only female lynx translocated and released in the Dinaric part of the Dinaric –SE Alpine lynx population. About two months after her release in Snežnik area, she headed north and later on established her territory in Rakitna between Iški Vintgar gorge and Borovnica. In this area, a male lynx Catalin has his territory. We are monitoring both lynxes with...

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In January, researchers from the Biotechnical Faculty – Department of Biology in collaboration with the ZOO Ljubljana’s veterinary team, captured and collared a young male lynx weighing 23.5 kg in the area of Velika Gora near Ribnica. They named it Matic, after a local hunter. It was estimated to be about 3 years old. Matic, who is most likely a descendant of the lynx Goru, has been recorded several times before in the...

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Lynx cubs in Blisk’s territory!

Lynx cubs in Blisk’s territory!

Posted - Jan 26, 2024

We have good news from the Javorniki hills above Cerknica Lake: a female lynx with two cubs was recorded on automatic cameras! In the autumn, hunters from the area told us that they had seen a female with cubs, but unfortunately none of them managed to record it. That area is also a territory of lynx Blisk, who has been translocated there from Romania in 2022 and regularly tracked via GPS telemetry ever since. During the mating season...

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A local hunter sent us a video of a female lynx with three playful kittens. Our team recognized her as a resident female lynx, offspring of Romanian lynx Goru and local female Teja. She was born in 2020, in the same year as lynx Niko, and later on established her territory in the area of Mala Gora and Suha Krajina (Slovenia). From the camera trapping monitoring, we know that Goru is one of the most successful translocated lynx if not...

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Lynx Kras was released in the Plitvice Lakes National Park on March 25, 2023. He arrived from Romania as the 6th and the last lynx that was released in Croatia in the scope of the LIFE Lynx project with a mission to increase the genetic diversity of Dinaric-SE Alpine lynx population. After the release, Kras made a short stop at the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina, and then returned to Plitvice. In the mid-April he went on a trip to...

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The last lynx, translocated and released in the scope of the LIFE Lynx project was Sneška. She is an adult female, captured in Slovakia and released in forests of Snežnik Mountain, hence the name, Sneška, given to her by the members of Local Consultative Groups. After the release, Sneška explored the area between Loški Potok and Ribnica, around Velika gora but left it after about two months, headed north and is now moving in the area...

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Valentina is the offspring of Goru, an adult lynx that established its territory in the area of Mala Gora near Ribnica, and Teja, a territorial female from the same area. Valentina has been monitored by telemetry since February last year, when members of the LIFE Lynx team from the Biotechnical faculty captured two young lynx sisters, Valentina and Neža, in one day. During Valentina’s path towards adulthood, it seemed that she...

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Kras, the last lynx released in Croatia with the aim of increasing the genetic diversity of the Dinaric population, started exploring his new home shortly after his release. The first set of data obtained from the telemetry collar shows that within the first two weeks, Kras crossed the border of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but soon returned to the area of ​​the Plitvice National Park, near the release site. Soon after, he changed his...

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