VIDEO – Next generation of lynxes from Slovenian Dinaric Mountains

Posted - Jan 13, 2025

Since last summer, Sneška is taking over a task of a mother lynx. She is raising two kittens which seem to be in good shape and it will soon be time for them to find their own territory. We recorded them at dinner on their prey remains, an old roe deer buck. Studies show that lynxes select older or weaker individuals for their prey, which we observed this time on the field, too.

Sneška with her first two kittens, since she was translocated to Slovenian Dinaric Mountains.

If we take a closer look, we can see that kittens are quite different; one is wearing spots but the other also has some rosettes. Although we have not genetically confirmed the fatherhood of these kittens, it is highly likely that Catalin is their father, since he spent considerable time with Sneška during the mating season.

One kitten (left) has a prominent spotted coat pattern, while the other one also has some rosettes (right).

Sneška was the last lynx translocated in the scope of the LIFE Lynx project, released in the forests of Snežnik in April 2023.  She was the only female lynx translocated and released in the Dinaric part of the Dinaric –SE Alpine lynx population. About two months after her release, she headed north and later on established her territory in Rakitna, between Iški Vintgar gorge and Borovnica, where she is still present to this day.

Movements of lynx Sneška since her release in Snežnik area in 2023 (star).  After exploring the area of around Loški potok and Ribnica, she established her territory in the area of Rakitna, Iški vintgar and Borovnica, where she is now raising her two kittens.