Sneška has two kittens!

Posted - Aug 1, 2024

We successfully captured video footage of lynx Sneška and her first confirmed litter since her release into the Snežnik area in Slovenia. The videos show Sneška at her den site with two healthy kittens. After spending some time nurturing her young, Sneška moved them to a new location, a common behavior for lynx to ensure the safety of their offspring. A few weeks after Sneška and her kittens vacated the den, translocated male lynx Catalin was filmed inspecting the site.

According to telemetry data, Sneška and Catalin med several times during the mating season and after, suggesting Catalin is likely the father of the kittens. This discovery marks an important milestone for the LIFE Lynx project, highlighting the successful integration and reproduction of the only female lynx translocated in Dinaric forests.

Sneška with her two kittens. Photo: Lan Hočevar, LIFE Lynx

Lynx Catalin marking the rock, where Sneška and her two kittens were filmed three weeks before. Photo: Lan Hočevar, LIFE Lynx