Posts Tagged "E.6 Communication Support"

In Romania, lynx does not have just a day for celebration (International Lynx Day), but an entire festival. LYNX Festival aims at bridging the connection of people to nature through documentary films and photography, and its name was inspired by the emblematic feline and the hardships that the organizers faced to photograph this beautiful animal in the wilderness of the Carpathians. This year, the second edition of the festival...

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Fourth LIFE Lynx project Bulletin

Fourth LIFE Lynx project Bulletin

Posted - Feb 6, 2024

Latest LIFE Lynx activities are gathered in the last project Bulletin, available in English and in four other project languages: For a printed version, please write to [email protected] or contact a LIFE Lynx project partner from your...

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Two lynx-themed books are now available also in English. The Slovenian writer and LIFE Lynx ambassador, Desa Muck, wrote a wonderful and educational story about the true events of a lynx’s life. The main star is Max, the bravest lynx (in the world). She takes us on a journey with some happy but also sad adventures Max has to endure to find… well, you can read his story and find out.  The book is available at Založba Muck...

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Slovenia currently has seven individual lynx- themed notice boards. The locations are distributed according to the lynx’s range: Strma Reber near Osilnica, Mirna Gora between Kočevje and Bela Krajina, Loški Potok (near the Hunting Family Natural Science Centre), Glamping Bloke, Cottage Mladika near Postojna, Vojkova cottage near Nanos and Vodiška planina on Jelovica. These boards have a common part of information about the lynx...

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Third LIFE Lynx bulletin is ready!

Third LIFE Lynx bulletin is ready!

Posted - Feb 3, 2023

Dear LIFE Lynx followers, we prepared for you the third LIFE Lynx bulletin, where we gathered our greatest achievements from the past two years. It was a very successful time for our project; from the first translocations to Slovenian Alps to the visit of the head of LIFE Programme, Mr. Angelo Salsi. Our team is working full speed ahead, with just one more year to the finish line. So far so good, thank you for all the support and we...

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Data from camera traps set within LIFE Lynx project are primarily used for continual monitoring of the success of lynx repopulation. However, camera-trap data also offers the opportunity to address unresolved questions regarding species ecology and community interactions. With that aim, the new study on the impacts of human activity on Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx), grey wolf (Canis lupus) and brown bear (Ursus arctos) was conducted by...

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On Wednesday, June 8, 2022, the opening of the naturalistic-didactic path called “Lynx Trail” took place in Tarvisio. The path was created in collaboration with the Italian partners of the LIFE Lynx project, the Carabinieri Forestali and Progetto Lince Italia. The route starts almost from the center of Tarvisio; behind the “Palazzo Forestale” on the slopes of Monte Palla, and leads to two lookouts on the top. To the east,...

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The special issue of the IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group‘s biannual newsletter – Cat News is now published online and it is fully dedicated to Eurasian lynx in Central Europe. Our project partners contributed to the issue with four articles. Slovakian and Romanian partners participated in the article on conservation needs of one of the largest lynx populations in Europe – the Carpathian population with recommendations...

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Dear LIFE Lynx followers, fresh from the printers and on our webpage you can check out our second LIFE Lynx project bulletin. In the year 2020, the LIFE Lynx project reached a halfway point and we are reflecting on our achievements, especially those we are most proud of. In Focus, you can discover how the teams from each of the five project countries are working towards our common objectives, each in its own unique way. Our main goal...

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Brochure about lynx available online

Brochure about lynx available online

Posted - Jan 13, 2021

As a small booklet, the brochure “Eurasian lynx – biology, threats and translocations from Carpathians to Dinarides” tells the story of lynx in general and about Carpathian and Dinaric lynx populations. In it you can find something about its past, present, and something about lynxes lives. How can a lynx potentially affect hunting performance in areas where it is present? What is the condition of lynx populations in Romania and...

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Documentary film Back from the Brink

Documentary film Back from the Brink

Posted - Apr 20, 2020

On April 22, we celebrate Earth Day. On an eve before this day, a documentary film Back from the Brink will be broadcasted on Slovenian national television RTV. The movie is a common project of eight European national televisions from Ireland, Scotland, Spain, Swiss, Italy, Netherlands, Romania and Slovenia. The film focuses on changes in the environment. There are individuals and organizations in Europe, trying to make a difference...

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