In Romania, lynx does not have just a day for celebration (International Lynx Day), but an entire festival. LYNX Festival aims at bridging the connection of people to nature through documentary films and photography, and its name was inspired by the emblematic feline and the hardships that the organizers faced to photograph this beautiful animal in the wilderness of the Carpathians.
This year, the second edition of the festival offered screenings, exhibitions, masterclasses and other activities dedicated to nature, spread over the entire week preceding the International Lynx Day (June 11). The Mighty Lynx cartoon and our documentary, Together for Lynx, were both screened on the last day of the festival, on June 9.
The cinema was full of children, who, despite the language barrier, enjoyed every minute of the cartoon and the documentary alongside the adults. After the documentary, Dan Dinu (event organizer, Wild Romania and Forona associations) and Teodora Sin (representing LIFE Lynx, ACDB) conducted a Q&A and storytelling session with the public. The children’s questions were the most fun to answer and the kids were happy to learn about how the lonely lynxes in the Dinaric Mountains and the Alps were saved by their new friends coming all the way from the Carpathians.

Screening of the Mighty Lynx Cartoon. Photo: Teodora Sin, ACDB

Q&A session about lynx and the LIFE Lynx project. Photo: Andrea Gazzola, ACDB