Posts Tagged "C.1 Lynx Translocation From Slovakia"

Today another translocated lynx was released in the forests of Snežnik. She was named by the locals involved in Local Consultative Groups in Dinaric regions of Slovenia. As the general public had already named one of the previously monitored lynxes “Snežka” as part of the DinaRis project, this time we went with “Sneška” – since she is coming from Slovakia (in Slovenian “SlovaŠKA), where she was...

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Together with hunters from the Nomenj Gorjuše hunting Club, we released the last lynx, Lukaš in the Slovenian Alps as part of the LIFE Lynx project. The lynx comes from Slovakia and is one of seventeen translocated lynxes that are helping to save the Dinaric-SE Alpine lynx population from extinction. Some of these animals are also presented in a new children book; a writer  and lynx ambassador Desa Muck has written about the...

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In mid-March 2023, the Slovak team of the LIFE Lynx project from the Technical University in Zvolen in cooperation with partners from the Betliar Forest district (Rožňava Forest enterprise, LESY SR), the Bojnice National Zoo and the Slovak Karst National Park administration managed to capture an adult female lynx (around 5 years old). This animal was the last captured lynx in Slovakia for the translocation and rescue of the Dinaric-SE...

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Today, a new lynx, Lukaš that was captured in Slovakia at the end of January this year, arrived in a quarantine enclosure on Jelovica. The adult male will replace lynx Zois, whose collar’s locations we have not been receiving since April last year, one year before the planned end of telemetry surveillance. Since then, he was not recorded on photo-traps or during snow-tracking, therefore it is very likely that Zois is no longer...

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After setting up the box traps in the Slovak Carpathians, together with our colleagues from the Slovenian LIFE Lynx team, we first managed to catch three wildcats, which of course we released back into the forest. However, on the 26th and 27th of January, in cooperation with partners from the Betliar Forest district (Rožňava Forest enterprise, LESY SR), the Bojnice National Zoo and the Slovak Karst National Park administration, an...

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In the beginning of January, the Slovenian and Slovakian LIFE Lynx teams joined forces and activated four box-traps, set in the Slovakian Carpathian Mountains. One box-trap was set and activated in Vtačnik mountains and three box traps in the area of Volovec Mountains, in Betliar hunting ground, managed by Košice enterprise of the Forests of SR. This is the last LIFE Lynx lynx-trapping season in Slovakia and the plan is to capture two...

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Exactly 10 weeks ago lynx Lubomir (immediately nicknamed Ljubo) arrived in Croatia. This adult male, captured in Slovakia, was released on location Rizvanuša, near town Gospić, in hunting ground Ramino korito managed by the Rewilding Velebit Foundation. All other lynxes that were released in Croatia before Ljubo came out of the transport box and left the release location in lightning speed. However, after exiting the box Ljubo...

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We are happy to report the successful release of a 15th lynx that today, 14.6.2022, ran out to his new home on Velebit Mountain, near the town of Gospić, Croatia. The lynx named Lubomir was captured in the Slovak Carpathians, where he spent two months in the quarantine to make sure he arrived in Croatia healthy. The arrival of the lynx was welcomed by members of the Gospić handball team and representatives of the local community....

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We have a new lynx in our translocation crew! Adult male (age 5 – 7 years) was captured in Slovakia and will be released in Croatia. Capturing was organized by the Slovak LIFE Lynx team in cooperation with Lesy SR, Forest Entreprise Východ and Forest district Betliar, as well as the State Nature Conservation of SR. Lynx was captured at Betliar Forest district, where 30 years ago lynxes were captured for the historical reintroduction...

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During the project, the school from Krasno already participated in LIFE Lynx activities. We had a lecture and a workshop about lynx last year so this was a unique opportunity for them to see the lynx that will inhabit the area around their village in person. Many thanks to their parents and teachers for the support!...

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Where is Emil?

Where is Emil?

Posted - Jun 2, 2021

Since his release by the mountain hut Apatišan in Croatia, lynx Emil crossed the National Park Northern Velebit and made a short stop by the sea. Shortly after, he looked again for a forest cover and he is now back in the Nature Park Velebit.

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