In mid-March 2023, the Slovak team of the LIFE Lynx project from the Technical University in Zvolen in cooperation with partners from the Betliar Forest district (Rožňava Forest enterprise, LESY SR), the Bojnice National Zoo and the Slovak Karst National Park administration managed to capture an adult female lynx (around 5 years old). This animal was the last captured lynx in Slovakia for the translocation and rescue of the Dinaric-SE...
Read MoreAfter setting up the box traps in the Slovak Carpathians, together with our colleagues from the Slovenian LIFE Lynx team, we first managed to catch three wildcats, which of course we released back into the forest. However, on the 26th and 27th of January, in cooperation with partners from the Betliar Forest district (Rožňava Forest enterprise, LESY SR), the Bojnice National Zoo and the Slovak Karst National Park administration, an...
Read MoreIn the beginning of January, the Slovenian and Slovakian LIFE Lynx teams joined forces and activated four box-traps, set in the Slovakian Carpathian Mountains. One box-trap was set and activated in Vtačnik mountains and three box traps in the area of Volovec Mountains, in Betliar hunting ground, managed by Košice enterprise of the Forests of SR. This is the last LIFE Lynx lynx-trapping season in Slovakia and the plan is to capture two...
Read MoreWe have a new lynx in our translocation crew! Adult male (age 5 – 7 years) was captured in Slovakia and will be released in Croatia. Capturing was organized by the Slovak LIFE Lynx team in cooperation with Lesy SR, Forest Entreprise Východ and Forest district Betliar, as well as the State Nature Conservation of SR. Lynx was captured at Betliar Forest district, where 30 years ago lynxes were captured for the historical reintroduction...
Read MoreDuring November and December, the Slovak LIFE Lynx team focused on the final preparation and implementation of the 2021/22 lynx capturing season. Its members built two more box traps in the Volovec Mountains project area and at the same time started realization of the deterministic Eurasian lynx camera trapping in the Vepor Mountains project area. At the beginning of December, the Slovak team also hosted colleagues from Ukraine within...
Read MoreOn a sunny Saturday morning, the enclosure on Pokljuka plateau got another two residents. Lenka and Julija, two adult Slovakian female lynxes joined lynx Tris in the quarantine enclosure. After a short period of adjusting all three of them will be released into nature. Triglav national park rangers and project staff welcomed the lynxes and here are some impressions from the arrival.
Read MoreNext important step in the LIFE Lynx project is to improve population connectivity for lynx by increasing the chances of natural gene flow inside the population and improving chances of connecting Dinaric-SE Alpine lynx population to other populations in the Alps. For that purpose it is important to bring back the lynx in the SE Alps and create a population “stepping stone” to generate a new population nucleus further west of the...
Read MoreGood news are coming from Slovakian LIFE Lynx team. On March 18, they successfully captured another female lynx for translocation. The lynx was captured in the Vtáčnik Mountains area, is about 5-6 years old, has about 15 kg and is in good health condition. Name Lenka was given to her by the Slovakian LIFE Lynx team. According to the LIFE Lynx translocations plan, both female lynxes captured in Slovakia this year will be translocated...
Read More2021 is an amazing lynx-capturing year for our project. After three lynx, already captured for translocation, both teams from Romanian and Slovakian have been successful again in the beginning of March. First, the team in Romania captured another male lynx, than just a few days later Slovakian team announced that they got a female lynx. All together we have five lynx (three males and two females) captured for translocation to...
Read MoreAfter the completion of deterministic (systematic) camera trapping in the Volovec Mts., on February 25, 2021, the Slovak LIFE Lynx team successfully captured an adult male lynx. The lynx capture was done in cooperation with the State Nature Conservation (Administrations of the Muránska planina NP and the Cerová vrchovina PLA) and the Forests of the Slovak Republic (Rimavská Sobota forest enterprise and Klenovec forest district) in...
Read MoreFor the reintroduction, reinforcement, and conservation purposes, relevant and systematic research of the lynx population is needed. Reliable data on lynx abundance, trends, genetic diversity, and health status are the basis of such research, that allow us to assess whether the lynx population in an area corresponds with the favourable status for lynx as a species of European importance, and whether it is suitable for capturing and...
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