After the completion of deterministic (systematic) camera trapping in the Volovec Mts., on February 25, 2021, the Slovak LIFE Lynx team successfully captured an adult male lynx. The lynx capture was done in cooperation with the State Nature Conservation (Administrations of the Muránska planina NP and the Cerová vrchovina PLA) and the Forests of the Slovak Republic (Rimavská Sobota forest enterprise and Klenovec forest district) in the Vepor Mts.
The three years old male was medically examined and the team transported him to the quarantine at the Bojnice National ZOO without any complications. After completing the quarantine, the lynx will be relocated to Gorenjska region, Slovenia.
The current capture season is very challenging for the Slovak team, because after two trouble-free years in which they managed to capture 10 lynxes (LIFE Lynx and LIFE Luchs projects), they currently have to face a large number of false alarms. These are caused by excessive numbers of rodents that damage the box traps. For this reason, we would like to take this opportunity to thank all members of the project team, as well as external colleagues Miroslav Kiapeš, Michal Brndiar and Pavel Trnavský for their efforts and patience.