Last week, on Friday, May 20, 2022, we held a meeting of the Local Consultative Group “Gorski Kotar” in the premises of the Risnjak National Park. The aim of the meeting was to gather again the representatives of the local community interested in the activities of the LIFE Lynx project, but also the wider issue of lynx management in Croatia and share the results achieved so far within the project. The lecture itself was...
Read MoreOver the past two weeks, meetings have been held with local residents interested in or affected by lynx-related topics. All of them can join the so-called Local Consultative Groups (LCG) that we have set up in the scope of our project. We have five such groups in Slovenia – LCG Kočevsko, LCG Pivško, LGC Loška Dolina and Loški Potok, LCG Gorenjska and North Primorska, and in the Cerknica area, we have joined the LIFE Stržen...
Read MoreSlovenia has a new educational trail, dedicated to the lynx. On Friday, September 24, 2021, an opening event and a press conference were held in Kočevje at the mountain hut »Koča pri Jelenovem studencu« where the Lynx educational trail is located. With the help of an animated character – lynx named Mala, the visitor learns interesting facts about behavior and biology of the largest European wild cat – the Eurasian lynx. Giving...
Read MoreThe areas of Gorenjska and northern Primorska connect the SE Alps and the Dinarides and are important in ensuring the connectivity of the Dinaric-SE Alpine lynx population. The planned translocations within the project to this area are especially important for long-term population conservation. As we consider cooperation with local residents to be a crucial part of this process, before the new lynx arrive in the enclosure, the...
Read MoreHow big territory does a lynx need? Why are the lynxes useful? Do the lynx attack people? How does the project involve the broader public in the LIFE Lynx project? You can find the answers in our new short and colorful handbook. The purpose of the newly published handbook is to gather in one place the information about lynx and our work within the LIFE Lynx project. Our aim was to make the manual reader-friendly, easily accessible,...
Read MoreLynx translocation is a complex process and its success is influenced by many factors, including the acceptance of translocated lynx by the local people. The LIFE Lynx project members are very appreciative of those who are willing to join the Local Consultative Groups (LCGs), set up to improve engagement with the local public. In two years, nine presentations about the project and workshops with local stakeholders were carried out in...
Read MoreLast week our project teams visited Posočje region, where we presented our latest project activities and the documentary film Path of the lynx. We organized this public event in collaboration with Triglav National Park regional office in Kobarid. Amongst other things, we invited local community from this region to participate in our project via Local consultative groups which we will establish in northwestern part of Slovenia. Through...
Read MoreOn Wednesday, 18th December 2019, we attended the 5th meeting of the Project Council of Stakeholders organised by LIFE Stržen project at the headquarters of the Notranjska Regional Park. The meeting was attended by 19 representatives of different stakeholders (municipalities, agrarian communities, tourist stakeholders, local hunting and fishing clubs, the Fisheries Research Institute of Slovenia, DOPPS – BirdLife Slovenia, the...
Read MoreDuring 2018 and 2019, the project team in collaboration with numerous hunters, foresters and rangers, made great efforts to research the distribution of lynx in the area of Lika and North Dalmatia. A large number of camera traps were regularly visited, data collected on lynx presence and genetic material for population monitoring. After intensive fieldwork and exceptional cooperation in the field, the efforts have also yielded...
Read MoreLika and norhtern Dalmatia are the southest parts of the Croatia populated by the lynx. Public institutions for nature protection in these areas play an important role in research and lynx conservation of through LIFE Lynx project. Lynx reasearch and conservation is not supposed and can not be individual effort. A number of institutions and individuals who cooperate trough the project improve our work, make our results better, and our...
Read MoreIn the last two months, we’ve implemented several successful project activities such as translocation of two lynx from Romania to Dinaric forests. Together with hunters, we’ve collected video materials of lynx presence in Dinaric forests. In order to involve and share this experience, and consult about project activities and results with local inhabitants, we’ve implemented the second circle of local consultative...
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