The lack of a coherent management response to the Dinaric lynx population decline was recognized as one of the main threats to the population. As LIFE Lynx project is aiming to provide solutions for all the main problems our lynx population is facing, it was necessary to provide a new management strategy. Our goal is that lynx management is based on scientific data and high – quality monitoring, and that it is agreed among government institutions, experts and all interest groups.
As a first step, Common Guidelines for Dinaric – SE Alpine Population-level Lynx Management were produced within the A5 action. The guidelines are designed for the Dinaric – Alpine context and are based on local management experiences as well as new knowledge learned over the course of the project. The document lists all current threats and offers solutions (management actions) for each threat.
The second step is preparation of national management documents, that will be based on the Common Guidelines for Dinaric – SE Alpine Population-level Lynx Management. These national documents will replace the current lack of implementable documents and provide up-to-date concrete actions for efficient lynx management at the population level. Documents will be prepared through a participatory process that will include representatives of various stakeholders and this process was recently initiated in Slovenia and Italy. While in Croatia the new national lynx management plan is in the final stages of approval and publishing.
This new framework will provide a baseline for coordinated trans-boundary activities necessary to ensure long term survival of lynx population in the Dinarics and south-east Alps.