Posted - Dec 14, 2017


Association BIOM

The Association BIOM (BIOM), founded in 2006 as non-governmental organization in Croatia, is active in environmental protection and nature conservation. The vision is to harmonize human development with nature protection and maintain a high level of biodiversity in Croatia and the region by applying EU standards. BIOM ecologists and environmental workers are active in many areas of ecology and nature protection, such as research, inventory and monitoring of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, biodiversity, agro-ecology as well as educational and awareness campaigns for citizens. Besides ecology research, BIOM work is realized through organization of congresses, workshops, ecological camps, campaigns, educational events and field projects. BIOM became a member of International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in 2011 and joined BirdLife International Affiliate in 2013. Today, BIOM is broadly recognized by ministries, scientific institutions, authorities, public institutions for protected areas and other environmental CSOs as a major organisation for nature protection in Croatia.

BIOM´s Head Office is based in Zagreb with ten employees, with a regional office in Sinj with three employees. Each year more than twenty volunteers regularly participate in projects and activities conducted by BIOM.


Responsible: Ivana Selanec
Mail: [email protected]
Address: Put Petrovca 12, 21230 Sinj, Croatia