When older pupils teach younger ones – about the lynx, of course

Posted - Feb 21, 2024

At the beginning of February, a very special day took place at Naklo Primary School. Seven different activities or stations with lynx topics were presented  at the school. The Young Lynx Guardians, together with their teacher Špela Eržen, held an open-door day for younger pupils!

The younger classes took part in a quiz about the lynx, jumping from a spot – like a lynx jumping from an ambush when hunting, e-lessons (a kind of educational computer games) and games “Who is afraid of the wild lynx” and “Long tails”. In addition to leading these activities, the senior classes took the younger ones on a guided tour of the lynx exhibition (which the project team loved!) and worked with the younger ones to recreate different wildlife food chains. The project team gave a presentation on lynx research, and the librarian read Desa Muck and Boštjan Gorenc‘s literary works – Max, the bravest lynx and The Mighty Lynx.

Interactive e-lessons. Photo: Meta Mavec

Presenting the book Max, the bravest lynx. Photo: Meta Mavec

Lecture about lynx biology and ecology. Photo: Meta Mavec

The exhibition on lynxes was on display at the school for more than two weeks, during which time parent-teacher conversations were also held. Parents had the opportunity to see where and how their children were involved in the programme and to learn more about the species.

Lynx-art exhibition. Photo: Meta Mavec

This was the ninth and final Open door day of the Young Lynx Guardians programme. We were impressed by the richness of the event and the enthusiasm of the young people. Congratulations to the pupils and the teacher for the efforts in organising the event and the event itself!

Young Lynx Guardians from Naklo Primary School with LIFE Lynx project representatives. Photo: Naklo Primary School