Posts Tagged "D.2 Impact of Population Reinforcement"

Successful translocation of Carpathian lynx and their integration in the remnant population in Dinaric Mountains and SE Alps was the core activity of the LIFE Lynx project. Understanding the baseline genetic and demographic status of the reintroduced Dinaric lynx population and close surveillance of the reinforcement process over the period of 4 years enabled us to assess the final effects of the reinforcement. At the population level...

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In the scope of the LIFE Lynx project, we successfully translocated 18 Carpathian lynxes to Slovenia and Croatia, releasing 12 in the Dinaric Mountains and six in the Slovenian Alps. Our plan, guided by international best practices, focused on ensuring the survival and establishment of translocated animals. Monitoring with GPS-telemetry collars allowed us to assess their integration in the population. In the Dinaric Mountains, 9 out...

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During this week, our team started surveying of public attitudes toward the lynx. The survey is targeted at Lika and Gorski kotar, in Croatia, using the random adress selection methhod. Participants of the survey will remain annonymus. Questionnaires have been sent at the end of the last week, and are already being received by randomly picked participants. They are packed in white envelopes with the project logo, which also contains...

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Monitoring of the Impact of Population Reinforcement The goal of this action is to evaluate the overall effectiveness of lynx reinforcement on the Dinaric-SE Alpine lynx population. This will help us evaluate whether we have reached our main goal – stopping and reversing genetic and demographic deterioration of the population. Special attention will be made to quantify the impacts of the reinforcement on the demographic and...

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