University of Ljubljana

Posted - Dec 21, 2017

University of Ljubljana

University of Ljubljana

University of Ljubljana (UL) is Slovenia’s oldest and largest university, with a long standing record of excellence in research and education, over 50,000 students and over 5000 employees. Its member faculties have been involved in numerous projects, both national and EU, and have sufficient expertise and resources to coordinate and manage even the largest and most difficult ones. In this project, UL will be involved with its member, the Biotechnical Faculty. Its departments of Biology and Forestry have long been on the forefront of large carnivore conservation in Slovenia, providing support for managers in decisions regarding these difficult-to-manage species and pushing for a hard scientific basis in conservation-related decision making. The University has much experience and success in promotion and improvement of management and conservation of the all three Slovenian large carnivores–the wolf, the bear and the lynx. Dedication of UL researchers to conservation has been a driving force behind recent successes in this field. Also participating is the Veterinary Faculty, which has long standing experience in wildlife pathology.


Responsible: Aleksandra Majić Skrbinšek
Mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Address: Biotechnical Faculty, Biology Department, Jamnikarjeva 111, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
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