Arma dei carabinieri – Comando Unità Tutela Forestale, Ambientale e Agroalimentare
It is a new young body in Italy, established by Legislative Decree 177 of 2016 and has absorbed the former CFS (Corpo Forestale dello Stato) – the National Forest Service. From CUFAA, the national forest, environmental, agricultural and food units command depends:
- the Carabinieri Command for Forest Protection;
- the Carabinieri Command for the Protection of Biodiversity and Parks;
- the Carabinieri Command for Environmental Protection;
- the Carabinieri Command for the Agri-food Protection.
CUFAA has completely replaced the competences of the former CFS and currently he manages 130 nature reserves and state forests, covering a total area of approximately 130,000 ha from the Alps in the north up to the southern Apennines, which represent the green backbone of Italy where stunning nature of unmatched beauty is protected. Since 1992, various projects for the conservation of habitat and endangered indigenous species representative of the European Union have been funded through LIFE-Natura projects with former CFS / currently CUFAA as coordinating or associated beneficiary.
CUFAAS’s Command for the Protection of Biodiversity and Parks is a branch which operates directly in the reserves’ territories through many local Biodiversity Bureaus – called “Reparto Biodiversità” (Biodiversity Department), carrying out projects aimed at the conservation and improvement of natural environments and introducing sustainable forestry management systems. In particular, the staff of “Reparto Biodiversità of Tarvisio” has a long tradition and experience with wildlife management and conservation, especially in lynx and brown bear research and monitoring.
The head office is in Rome, while the operational headquarters, partner of Life Lynx, is located in Tarvisio.
Responsible: Ten.Col.Dr. Patrizio Terlicher
Mail: [email protected]
Via Romana, 35
33018 Tarvisio, Italy