We have been monitoring the male lynx Mišo since February 2018, when a Croatian hunter Mihajlo Kovačević captured him on camera at a wild boar feeding facility near Gomirje. After that, we repeatedly photographed Mišo using our camera traps in Gorski Kotar. In December 2018, Mišo was photographed three times in Slovenia in Snežnik area, about 65 km away from the area in Croatia where we recorded it for the first time.
Male lynx like Mišo can leave their territories in search for females during the mating season and can mate with more than one female in one season. Lynx can travel even further during dispersion when they try to establish a territory. The path of Mišo was incredible as he passed through quite a few territories of residential female and male lynx, as well as crossed significant infrastructure (including the highway Rijeka-Zagreb, which is fortunately well equipped with wildlife crossings). Unfortunately, we have not photographed him yet in 2019, but we hope to catch him on cameras again soon.