International Lynx Day has been celebrated since 2018, on the initiative of the Interreg CE 3Lynx project. Lynx in Europe are endangered and would struggle to survive without human help. Inbreeding is the main threat to lynx in the Dinarides, so we are saving them by introducing new healthy lynx, coming from the Carpathian Mountains. The LIFE Lynx project has brought 18 lynx from the Carpathian Mountains to save the Dinaric-SE Alpine lynx population from extinction.
For the protection and conservation of lynx, it is also important to educate and communicate about the lynx. In the scope of the project, we have a wide variety of activities focused on including the public and informing it about the lynx. On June 11, when we celebrate International Lynx Day, and we will organize events in Slovenia, Croatia and Italy. In Europe, institutions and lynx-related projects will organize more than 70 events to celebrate International Lynx Day. This year you can join events in France, Switzerland, Slovenia, Croatia, Italy, Albania, Macedonia, and Czech Republic.
Lynx Day in ZOO Ljubljana, June 10 and 11, 2023
ZOO Ljubljana and the LIFE Lynx project group will celebrate the fifth International Lynx Day (June 11) with workshops for children on June 10 and 11. On this occasion, we will prepare adventures near lynx enclosures in Ljubljana ZOO. Educating visitors about nature conservation and Conservation projects is one of Ljubljana ZOO very important tasks, so we will be using the “lynx adventures” to raise awareness about lynx in Slovenia and their conservation in our forests. We will present the LIFE Lynx project, visitors will have the opportunity to meet members of the project team and see telemetry equipment and the methods they use to study lynx in the natural environment. Visitors will also be able to make a lynx, wolf or bear track necklace.
Lynx Day in Notranjska Regional Park, June 10, 2023
Lynx -themed workshops for children, near the Notranjska Regional Park Info center. You can learn more about lynx and the LIFE Lynx project, in the scope of which we are saving the lynx in Dinaric Mountains and SE Alps from extinction.
Online lecture – “Veliki napredak u očuvanju male populacije”, June 12, 2023
Ira Topličanec,, a member of the LIFE Lynx team from Croatia will present the latest results of the project. From lynx reintroductions to monitoring and involving stakeholders… everyone can find something interesting for themselves.
Lynx Day with Desa Muck in DINA Pivka, June 17, 2023
The International Lynx Day will be celebrated at the DINA Pivka Large Carnivore Centre, as part of the Museum Night, on June 17, 2023. Slovenia writer and lynx ambassador Desa Muck will present her new book about lynxes, “Pogumni Maks” (engl. Brave Maks). This book introduces young readers to the challenges and joys of a lynx’ life. Presentation will be followed by an animal mask-making workshop. There will also be a public guided tour through the Dina Centre, focusing on the lynx, a night walk with a hunter, and hunting stories around the fireplace. More information on Dina Pivka website and [email protected].