A new generation of lynx in the Slovenian Alps

Posted - Dec 4, 2024

Rozi, a young female lynx from Slovenian Alps became a mother this year. She was born in 2022 and is the offspring of translocated lynxes Aida and Zois. In the Julian Alps, we filmed her with one of her cubs as they fed and explored the surroundings of their prey remains. In an area similar where Rozi has her territory, there is a territory of a young male lynx Miha, who we monitor with telemetry since the end of winter 2023. He covers the area of about 200 km2, of high mountains from Tolmin to Trenta, above the Soca River.


Territories of young male lynx Miha and female lynx Rozi. Photo: Teresa Oliveira

Miha met with Rozi and the cub at the prey remains, which is extremely rare for lynx, which are otherwise solitary animals. As the lynxes were extremely friendly with each other, we suspect that this was a family reunion, but we still need to confirm the paternity of the cub with genetic analyses. Rosie’s cub confirms the success of the lynx introduction in the Alps, and represents the third recorded reproduction of lynx in the Alps in 2024. Two cubs were born to Talia, and one to Julia.

In October, a Triglav National Park ranger photographed lynx Julija with one kitten. Photo: Florijan Tišer