The Triglav National Park is the only Slovenian national park and is one of the oldest European parks. The first protection dates back to 1924 when the Alpine Conservation Park was founded, and in the year 1981, when the law on Triglav National Park defined the park’s present borders. It is a unique area of protected nature in the Alps, whose priority objectives are conservation of ecosystems and natural processes, natural assets, diversity of habitats, plant and animal species, landscape quality and landscape diversity.
Lynx translocation to Gorenjska region is a big challenge for the project, since we do not have records of permanently present lynxes in this area. The cooperation of Triglav National Park is thus crucial for the success of this activity. In Pokljuka plateau, we will prepare lynx enclosures, from where we will release the lynx into nature. The Park employees will also take care of the lynxes while they will be in the enclosures. Next year the Park celebrates a 6oth anniversary and the lynx will be our gift to the Park’s nature, to return it, which was rightfully there.

Photo: Miran Krapež, LIFE Lynx