The Romania National Forest association – Romsilva is an official collaborator of the European project LIFE Lynx, coordinated by the Slovenia Forest Service, through which several lynxes from Romania will be captured and relocated in the Dinaric and Southern Eastern Alps to save lynx population in this area.
At the headquarters of the National Forest Regia – Romsilva in Bucharest a working meeting took place on Thursday, September 16, in which the balance of the project aimed at saving the Dinaric-SE Alpine lynx population was presented. Furthermore, Slovenia Forest Service, ACDB and Romsilva discussed the development of LIFE Lynx partnership in Romania for the next three years.
As a gesture of gratitude to Romania for enabling the LIFE Lynx project to translocate lynx from Romania, the project representatives expressed gratitude to Romsilva for exemplary cooperation with a symbolic plaquette of appreciation from the Slovenia forest service and LIFE Lynx project.

Presentation of Slovenia Forest Service at the meeting. Photo: LIFE Lynx

LIFE Lynx project representatives presented Romsilva an appreciation plaquette from the LIFE Lynx project. Photo: LIFE Lynx