Within the Slovenian hunting organization, gamekeepers are those who, in the scope of their training, acquire in-depth knowledge of various hunting topics, such as hunting legislation, game management, ungulate ecology, hunting cynology and others. For gamekeepers from the project area, in-depth knowledge in the field of ecology, biology and lynx conservation is also important for a better understanding of lynx behavior and the reasons for lynx reintroductions in Slovenian forests. With this aim, we organized lectures for gamekeepers from the area of the Ljubljana Association of Hunting Families and the Postojna-Bistrica Association of Hunting Families. More than 130 participants were educated about the territorial nature of lynxes, their predation frequency and structure, and what problems resident lynxes face in Slovenia. We also tried to answer the questions that hunters usually ask us when participating in lynx monitoring.
Urša Fležar, from Slovenia Forest Service presented lynx telemetry. Photo: Tilen Hvala, LIFE Lynx