Almost 4 months ago we released into the forests of National Park Risnjak a male lynx Doru. After the release Doru stayed in the park’s area, but in the beginning of June decided to cross the Slovenian- Croatian national border and stayed in Slovenia ever since. Currently he is in Javorniki, moving in the area of around 90 km2. Telemetry data from Doru’s radio collar show that he probably established a territory in this area. The most northwestern part of his territory is determined by Highway A1 Ljubljana-Koper, which unfortunately doesn’t have specially established wildlife crossings and has been a big obstacle for lynx dispersal towards the west.

Map of Doru’s territory. Photo: Miha Krofel, LIFE Lynx
We are happy that both translocated lynx, Goru and Doru, managed to establish their territories in the Dinarids, in the area where at least a few female lynx are present. Hopefully Goru and Doru will be successful in their first mating season in the Dinarids and will transfer their genes to the next lynx generations.

Release of lynx Doru in National Park Risnjak. Photo: Gregor Šubic
We receive many photos and videos from enthusiastic lynx admirers. Mr. Vinko Žužek had a rare opportunity to observe the lynx for a few minute. And we are really happy that he shared this video with us. The video is not very clear, but you can see a radio collar on the lynx, so we know that this is lynx Doru.