Members of LIFE Lynx project team regularly cooperate with other lynx projects in Europe. In this way we exchange experiences and data, which help us towards more successful conservation and research of the European lynx populations. These days Slovenian project team members from Dept. for Forestry, Biotechnical faculty joined colleagues from the Macedonian Ecological Society and National Park Mavrovo for fieldwork in the park. The highlight was a successful capture and radio-collaring of a young Balkan lynx male.
Today, Balkan lynx population is limited to western Macedonia and north-east Albania with only few tens of animals left and is considered critically endangered with risk of extinction. This is the 7th lynx radio-collared within the Balkan Lynx Recovery Programme and we expect that his GPS collar will provide important data on the Balkan lynx ecology, especially regarding the movements of young animals. This information will be used to improve the recovery of this highly endangered population. LIFE Lynx wishes Balkan Lynx Recovery team successful work also in the future and to young lynx good luck in his life in the beautiful Macedonian mountains.