The lynx caught in Romania is soon to be translocated to Croatia. We are waiting for the results for rabies and then the lynx will be ready for transport. Until then we are sharing some recent pictures of the lynx Alojzije! He got his name after the Croatian researcher Alojzije Frković dipl. ing. of forestry. Alojzije was an expert who influenced hunting in Croatia. He was also the main researcher for the lynx population in...
Read MoreYesterday, the news about the second lynx that was caught in Romania for translocation to Croatia, flooded the Croatian media. We are really happy and thankful for the positive atmosphere that the media is creating. The RTL crew made a special effort and put together a very nice and informative report which you can see on the link below.
Read MoreMnogi mediji su jučer objavili vijest o hvatanju risa i zahvalni smo im na podršci našem projektu. su se posebno potrudili i pripremili vrlo informativan prilog.
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