Lynx video from Kočevski Rog, Slovenia

Posted - Aug 27, 2024

The high-quality videos of lynx that you share with us are very precious as there is currently no systematic monitoring of lynx in Slovenia. Although we have not been able to identify the lynx in the footage, we will store the footage in the MBase online database, where it will be available for possible future identification.

It is difficult to say whether this is a juvenile or an adult lynx, as in July the “kittens” of the previous year are almost adults. They become sexually mature around their second birthday, by which time they should have found a free area, preferably where a lynx of the opposite sex is also present.

It is not easy being an adolescent lynx, because it has to find its own territory, be independent and be successful in hunting large prey. In the process, some injuries may occur, but they doe not have to be fatal.

A big thank you to Marko Majhen, the author of the video.