Lynx at Slovenian Matura Exam

Posted - Feb 3, 2025

Do you know which species are most closely related to the Eurasian Lynx? What are the consequences of inbreeding? What is the importance of marking territory? Slovenian students who took Biology at Slovenian Matura Exam probably know the answers. In the “Ecology” section, they answered nine questions related to lynx ecology, the protection of key species in the ecosystem and genetic diversity.

Schools are keeping up with the rapid trend of new knowledge and findings in Biology

We are pleased that the National Examinations Center has recognised the importance of knowledge on lynx and the conservation of the species.  Large carnivores, as keystone species in ecosystems and charismatic species, are very suitable as model organisms for teaching about a wide range of natural science topics, such as ecology, genetics, systematics of organisms or structure and functioning of ecosystems. By learning about the Eurasian lynx, students are introduced to the importance of conserving both individual species and the balance of nature. In order to ensure the long-term transfer of knowledge and understanding of the importance of lynx conservation, it is crucial to systematically introduce this type of content at all levels of education.

Last spring, 1183 students took the “Biology” exam. The most frequent reasons in their decision to take Biology were further studies (38.1%), interest in the subject (38.1%) and being motivated by the teacher (8.9%). In its Annual Report on the Slovenian Matura Exam, the National Examinations Center noted that candidates were well prepared for the Exam in Biology, and that schools are keeping up with the rapid trend of new knowledge and findings in the field of biology. Only 8 candidates, or 0.84%, of the reference group who sat the Biology exam in the spring semester were unsuccessful.