LIFE Lynx at Rewilding Europe gathering in Italy

Posted - Dec 15, 2021

In the beginning of November 2021, Rewilding Europe organized a gathering of rewilding practitioners in a scenic village Pettorano Sul Gizio in Italian Apennine Mountains. LIFE Lynx project was one of the twenty project and organizations from 14 European countries present at the event. In five days of presentations, workshops, brainstorming sessions, and field visits, the participants exchanged experiences in working on different rewilding topics. One of the highlight of the gathering was wildlife watching with ERN member Wildlife Adventures.

Highlights of the event were also summarized in this short video clip:

Exchanging experiences at Rewilding Europe gathering. Photo: Nelleke de Weerd, ERN

LIFE Lynx promotional materials. Photo: Maja Sever, LIFE Lynx

Checking the Griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus) scavenging site, which was visited also by a Marsican brown bear. The data of the site and bear feces were registered in the Rewilding Apennines database. Photo: Maja Sever, LIFE Lynx

A short hike with a view on Pettorano Sul Gizzio. Photo: Maja Sever

An ERN membership certificate. Photo: Maja Sever, LIFE Lynx

Wildlife watching. Photo: Maja Sever, LIFE Lynx