First data on lynxes released in Southeastern Alps in Slovenia

Posted - May 17, 2021

We received the first data from the telemetry collars of Tris, Julija, Lenka, Zois and Aida, five lynxes released in Gorenjska region at the end of April this year. All of them stayed in the area of the region where released them. Lenka and Julija stayed together in Triglav National Park, Tris moved a little bit to the south, but also stayed on the Pokljuka plateau. Zois and Aida also stayed in the area of release, and moved a bit east in the Jelovica plateau. The project team is happy that all the collars are working are looking forwards on receiving the data on the lynxes movements in the future.

Map of the movements of lynxes Tris, Julja, Lenka, Zois and Aida.