For the fifth season in a row, lynx monitoring with camera traps is being carried out in Slovenia in close cooperation with hunters from hunting clubs and state managed hunting grounds (LPNs). Each year more and more hunting clubs join this activity; this year we joined forces with 58 hunting clubs and six state managed hunting grounds from the Kočevska, Notranjska, Northern Primorska and Gorenjska regions. In each participating hunting ground, we jointly selected two best locations where the cameras will automatically record all wildlife until April next year. In the new season, we are focused on monitoring the translocated lynx, which are no longer monitored by telemetric collars, to confirm their integration into the population. However, we also want to obtain data on new lynx locations and estimate lynx abundance for Slovenia. Last year’s pups of introduced lynx are also of great interest to us this year, as they will provide information on their expansion and gene transfer within the population.