A series of presentations for hunters in Slovenia

Posted - Aug 15, 2021

In July 2021, Slovenia Forest Service organized a series of educational seminars on the topic of large carnivore monitoring in Slovenia for hunters and foresters working at Slovenia Forest Service regional units and State managed hunting grounds. At three events, organized in Kočevje, Mašun and Bled, more than 120 participants learned about the latest results of wolf and lynx monitoring. Rok Černe, LIFE Lynx project coordinator presented also other lynx-related activities and encouraged hunters to participate in lynx monitoring.

Rok Černe, presenting the LIFE Lynx project at Mašun Forest House. Photo: Gregor Simčič

Participants at the lecture for hunters and foresters in Triglavska Roža information center, Bled. Photo: Maja Sever, LIFE Lynx

Rok Černe presenting LIFE Lynx to hunters and foresters from Gorenjska region. Photo: Maja Sever, LIFE Lynx